Thursday, May 10, 2012

Sign, Frame and Technical Jargon for ye myco freaks

 So I made this 'Myco-Hortus' sign over the weekend...with a great big Amanita Muscaria for the front of the grow barn and got it up there this morning. Then I framed out the three grow house fronts for sliding glass doors that I will be installing tomorrow. I thought I would get the basic growing info on the blog in terms of the fungal species I'll be growing if there is any interest:

Shiitake (Lentinula Edodes)

We will be growing out Shiitake mushrooms on a 6 lb sterilized block substrate mixture of Alder chips and sawdust and Rye Bran yielding approx. 3 lbs per block. Our Shiitake grow room will be housing 550 blocks.

Spawn Run:
Temp: 70-80 Degrees F
Relative Humidity: 95-100%
Duration of Spawn Running: 35-75 days depending upon the strain (warm/cold)
C02: >10,000 ppm
Fresh Air Exchanges: 0-1 Per Hour
Light Requirements: 50-100 lux

Primordia Formation:
Initiation Temp: (cold weather strain) 50-60 Degrees F / (warm weather strain) 60-70 degrees F
Relative Humidity: 60-80%
Duration of Primordia Formation: 5-7 days
CO2: < 1,000 ppm
Fresh Air Exchanges: 4-7 Per Hour
Light Requirements: 500-2,000 lux

Fruitbody Development:
Temp: 50-70 (CWS) 60-80 (WWS)
Relative Humidity: 60-80%
Duration of Fruitbody: 5-8 days per flush
CO2: < 1,000 ppm
Fresh Air Exchange: 4-8 Per Hour
Light Requirements: 500-2,000 lux

Cropping Cycle: every 2-3 weeks for 8-16 weeks (about 5 flushes)

Maitake aka: Hen-Of-The-Woods (Grifola Frondosa):

Our Maitake will also be grown on a similar sterilized block of mixed hard wood substrate similar to that of our Shiitake. Housing a about 550 blocks as well.

Spawn Run:
Temp: 70-75 Degrees F
Relative Humidity: 95-100%
Duration of Spawn Running: 14-30 days (then dormant for 30)
C02: 20,000-40,000 ppm
Fresh Air Exchanges: 0-1 Per Hour
Light Requirements: N/A

Primordia ('Mound”) Formation:
Initiation Temp: 50-60 Degrees F
Relative Humidity: 95%
Duration of Primordia Formation: 5-10 days
CO2: < 2,000-5,000 ppm
Fresh Air Exchanges: 4-8 Per Hour
Light Requirements: 100-500 lux

Frond Development:
Temp: 50-60 Degrees F
Relative Humidity: 90-95%
Duration: 10-14 days
CO2: 2,000-5,000 ppm
Fresh Air Exchange: 4-8 per hour
Light Requirements: 100-500 lux

Fruitbody Development:
Temp: 55-60 Degrees F
Relative Humidity: 75-85%
Duration of Fruitbody: 14-21 days
CO2: < 1,000 ppm
Fresh Air Exchange: 4-8 Per Hour
Light Requirements: 500-1,000 lux

Cropping Cycle: every 3-4 weeks for two flushes (max)

The Pink Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus Djamor)

Our Pink Oysters will be grown on a substrate of pasteurized wheat straw and cottonseed powder.

Spawn Run:
Temp: 75-85 Degrees F
Relative Humidity: 95-100%
Duration of Spawn Running: 7-10 days
C02: >5,000 ppm
Fresh Air Exchanges: 0-1 Per Hour
Light Requirements: N/A

Primordia Formation:
Initiation Temp: 65-75 degrees F
Relative Humidity: 95-100%
Duration of Primordia Formation: 2-4 days
CO2: 500-1,000 ppm
Fresh Air Exchanges: 5-8 Per Hour
Light Requirements: 750-1,500 lux

Fruitbody Development:
Temp: 70-85
Relative Humidity: 85-90%
Duration of Fruitbody: 3-5 days
CO2: 500-1,500 ppm
Fresh Air Exchange: 5-8 Per Hour
Light Requirements: 750-1,500 lux

Cropping Cycle: 2 flushes 7-10 days apart

1 comment:

  1. Excited to see Pink oysters. I wanted to order a spore syringe of Phoenix oysters a little while ago. Haven't tasted either unfortunately, but beautiful mushrooms!
